You can make money online without a website. However, to significantly increase your earnings, it is of the utmost importance that you have your own. Many of you may be thinking that this will be extremely complicated, difficult, and time-consuming. In the past it certainly was. Today, however, there have been so many improvements and innovations in website technology that it has become much easier to create your own site quickly and easily, even if you don’t have any knowledge of HTML or JavaScript. Another factor that many people think will ban is the cost of starting one. Due to competition in the fields of website building, hosting and domain software, costs have dropped dramatically. This means that almost anyone with a few dollars in their back pocket can participate. This was not always the case. Just a few years ago it was very expensive to get everything you needed and this prevented many people from getting started. Be grateful that you are starting now, where you can get some of the make money online most advanced technologies for next to nothing. Hell, you can even start blogging for free!
To truly realize your potential on the web, you will need to have good website building software. You want one that allows you to quickly set up sales pages, easily build content sites, and seamlessly add AdSense. You also want to be able to create an attractive site that makes your visitors want to stay on your site. It is also vital to have a web builder that allows you to make changes very quickly. Some of you may get discouraged just thinking about this, especially if you are inexperienced with computers. However, there are software and services that make this extremely easy even for the beginner. One of the easiest to use builders ever created is XSitePro. This software will allow you to launch attractive sites to make money with minimal effort. Another good option is to use a full service like Site Build It! They will take care of absolutely everything for you, tailored to your exact requirements. However, with this option you will have a recurring annual fee which is something you may want to avoid. You can also publish your project on a separate site like Elance, where developers will bid on your project. After accepting an offer, the developer will carry it out to your specifications and often help you with future updates.
Another thing you will have to do is buy a domain name and a hosting package. These days, many companies will include a free domain name with their hosting package when you sign up. There are many good hosting companies along with so many bad ones. The key things to pay attention to are uptime (aim for 99% more), the ability to add new domains to the pack for expansion, and good customer service.